3.4 million residents of Puerto Rico were without power after Hurricane Maria hit the island on September 20, 2017
The number of people from UB School of Law who have flown to Puerto Rico since January 2018 to provide "helpful help" to people there.
The number of hours of work each student put in while on the island.
The number of FEMA Appeals our #UBLawResponds student attorneys helped to prepare in our first trip to Puerto Rico in January 2018.
Hurricane Maria slammed Puerto Rico with 155 mph winds on September 20, 2017.
Number of schools closed in Puerto Rico due to dropping enrollment as a direct result of Hurricane Maria
The number of New York utility vehicles that were sent to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria to help restore power.
The number students from Puerto Rico who were displaced because of Hurricane Maria and enrolled in the Buffalo Public Schools this year
Average cost of airfare for 1 #UBLawResponds student attorney to travel to Puerto Rico in January 2019 to provide on the ground assistance to communities rebuilding a resilient Puerto Rico
The area code for Buffalo, NY the "City of Good Neighbors" who welcomed the families from Puerto Rico who settled in the "716" after Hurricane Maria
The cost to build an Open Access Smart Grid (known as an oasis) with our colleagues in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.