University at Buffalo Athletics

University at Buffalo Athletics

UB is committed to making sure our 400+ student athletes receive every opportunity to perform at the highest level in the classroom, community and on the courts and fields of play. When you give to athletics, you help student athletes to pursue a world-class degree while competing for championships during their time on campus. 

Your support will provide: 

Critical facility enhancements. We will provide our student athletes with new and upgraded facilities in order to compete at the highest level of Division I athletics. 

Well-rounded student athletes. Private funding provides student athletes with academic advising, sports nutrition, sports medicine and sports performance support. 

Empowered coaches. We believe in investing in our coaches—the men and women who lead, teach, mentor, challenge and motivate our student athletes on and off the courts and fields.

As our teams continue to compete and succeed on the national stage, UB’s true potential will be uncovered. With additional resources strategically put in place to enhance our competitive success, we'll set a new standard for UB Athletics. 

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