Carol Schumacher- One of Annette's 100

Carol Schumacher- One of Annette's 100 Image
Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
1 Donors
days left
Project ends on December 31, at 12:00 AM EST
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Why I support this research

It is my great pleasure to be the very first of Annette’s 100.

I met Annette and her husband, Glen Holt, at their home in southern California about twelve years ago. I had the great honor of helping them by serving on their board of directors since 2011. Over the years, The Annette Funicello Research Fund for Neurological Diseases has supported several important MS studies.

This $100,000 challenge grant is the largest and boldest of the Fund’s history. We collaborated with BNAC for over a year to create a way to both support the fine research they have designed, and to provide a way for everyone who cares about MS to be able to make an impactful gift.

Annette’s Fund, as the foundation is known, will match DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR, up to $100,000 in gifts for the CASA-MS progressive MS study. I have contributed and additional $1,000 to Annette’s Fund to replenish the matching amount Annette’s Fund will donate for my BNAC gift.

As a member also of BNAC’s Advisory Council, I can say with great confidence that if you are considering an “investment” in MS research, Dr. Zivadinov and the researchers on this study will deliver a thoughtful, thorough analysis of their findings about MS progression. I believe the outcomes of this study will lay the groundwork for progressive MS research for many years to come.

Each of ANNETTE’S 100 has set a goal to give or raise $1,000 or more to CASA-MS progressive MS research. Your gift will help them reach their fundraising goal and will be matched by Annette’s Fund. LET US KNOW IF YOU’D LIKE TO BE ONE OF ANNETTE’S 100, TOO!


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