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Tracie Jacquemin- One of Annette's 100

Tracie Jacquemin- One of Annette's 100 Image
Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
5 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on January 14, at 03:00 AM EST
Project Owners

Why I support this research

Living with MS for the past 33 years has included living with my own personal “storm cloud” that follows me every day at a varying distance. It represents the specter of debilitating progression. Each time that cloud “bursts” with new or worsened symptoms of progression, the more important it is to me and my family that more is known.  I had lost hope that anything could be done and am so excited by the hope that CASA-MS provides.

There is no treatment yet that will reverse my disabilities but it helps a lot in coping with MS to keep informed about treatment options and about  the most current MS research.

As a member of the BNAC Advisory Council since 2010 I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to get to know Dr. Zivadinov and the strong team of researchers he has assembled. It’s been a privilege to see how their interest in developing a patient-centered study emerged as CASA-MS. I have great faith that this comprehensive study will lead to significant contributions to the understanding of MS progression.

We are all so grateful to Annette Funicello for her bravery during her lifetime in bringing for awareness to her many fans about MS and for her leadership in raising funds for research.  Thank you, too, to her Foundation for offering this challenge grant.

I hope you’ll help me reach my fundraising goal as one of Annette's 100 by donating now from this page.

Each of ANNETTE’S 100 has set a goal to give or raise $1,000 or more to CASA-MS progressive MS research. Your gift will help them reach their fundraising goal and will be matched by Annette’s Fund. LET US KNOW IF YOU’D LIKE TO BE ONE OF ANNETTE’S 100, TOO!


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