Stuart C. Shapiro Scholarship for Computational Philosophy

Stuart C. Shapiro Scholarship for Computational Philosophy Image
Raised toward our $50,000 Goal
9 Donors
days left
Project ends on December 31, at 12:59 PM EST
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Creating a New Scholarship in Support of UB Students

Please consider a gift to the new Dr. Stuart C. Shapiro Scholarship for Computational Philosophy in honor of one of UB’s most esteemed, influential and long-tenured professors.

Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Engineering, Stuart Shapiro moved to Buffalo and began his teaching career at UB in 1977. During his long UB career, Dr. Shapiro, served as Chair of the Department of Computer Science from 1984 to 1990, and from 1996 to 1998. He was also the Director of the Center for Cognitive Science from 2004 to 2008.

In addition to his leadership in the school, this new scholarship also honors Dr. Shapiro’s body of work and contributions to the field. His PhD dissertation is considered to be one of the seminal works in the development of semantic networks as a representation of knowledge. He and his then student, Howard Smith, also created the first SCRABBLE Crossword Game-playing program. He also did pioneering research in natural language help systems, natural language generation, intelligent multi-modal interfaces, and assumption-based truth maintenance systems.

Dr. Shapiro, and his wife Caren, a microbiologist, are shining examples of commitment to their fields. With this fully funded new scholarship, generations of UB students will model and learn about the drive of this couple who committed their lives to academics and higher education. This new scholarship will be awarded to future undergraduate students with high interest in computational philosophy, computational linguistics, logic, philosophy, or cognitive psychology.

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