Provide 1 "prescription for warmth" pack helping to keep individuals safe from hypothermia and frostbite.
Provide our patients with gloves to keep them warm through the winter.
At 32 degrees F "Code Blue" goes into effect, helping people get off the streets into warm shelters.
Dr. Jim Withers founded the practice of street medicine in Pittsburgh, PA 33 years ago in 1992. He has started a world wide movement that UB HEALS is honored to be a part of.
The city of Buffalo is 52.5 square miles that UB HEALS travels providing medical services at no cost.
Over 85 cities across 15 countries and 5 continents are currently doing street medicine outreach. UB HEALS is putting Buffalo on the map!
UB HEALS conducts 104 "street rounds" each year. Twice a week, our team takes to the streets to meet patients where they are at, and help address their medical, emotional and psychosocial needs.
The zip code of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, where future physicians get more than just the classroom experience.
All money donated helps the lives of our neighbors in the 716 area code.
Since we started our work, UB HEALS has conducted over 3,500 patient encounters - working hard to improve the health and well being of homeless individuals and families.